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Elfen Energy Chimes


Elfen Chakra Chimes
Elfen Chakra Chimes are individual hand crafted energy chime bars, available in the colors of the rainbow. They are tuned to the scale of C major, which are most widely accepted as the chakra frequencies in the A 432 Hz tuning system. They can be used for chakra balancing, energy clearing and a deeply relaxing sound massage. Each chime may be placed on the corresponding chakra or gently moved through the aura. The incredible resonance of the energy chimes helps to focus the mind in meditation.
Price $350, wood tray $20, plus postage.
Stock available in A 432 Hz tuning system
For more information about 432 Hz tuning, please watch “Sonic Geometry” on youtube.
3 sets in  440 Hz tuning system are available, please use contact form if interested.

Select the chakra chime that is right for you based on your favourite

colour or the energy that you most need to attract into your life.

soul star
integrating universal essence
connection with higher self
3rd eye
concentration, focus and intuition
communication and self expression
love, opening the heart
solar plexus
sense of self, confidence
balancing emotions
grounding, stability
earth star
connection to mother earth

Harmonic Healing DVD

Designed as a teaching tool, the Harmonic Healing DVD gives a detailed visual description of how to perform a Chakra Balance with Elfen Chakra Chimes and a Harmonic Healing using the 13 Tones of Creation.

Packed full of information, this DVD is a comprehensive exploration of sound and its healing effect on our physiology and energy field. It covers topics such as:
– sound and harmonics
– how the ear functions
– how sound promotes healing and relaxation
– how to use chimes with children
– and much more
DVD is only available as downloadable version $30


The Flower of Life Chimes

In the ancient Pythagorean tuning system, where A is 432 Hz (as opposed to the modern day musical A at 440 Hz) this tone of 360 Hz corresponds to F#. This frequency and its harmonics (A# and C#) appear in many natural phenomena including Sacred Geometry, the underlying building blocks of this multi dimensional reality. Since sound is the basic creational force of the universe according many spiritual traditions (everything is sound, everything is vibration) this seems logical. For more information about the sonics of the Flower of Life and the 432 Hz tuning, please watch Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form on YouTube.

Price $150 plus postage

Sacred Phi Ratio Chimes

The sacred Phi ratio of 8:13 is also known as the Golden Mean which is the fundamental principle behind all natural phenomena and sacred geometry. The perfection in the spiral of a nautilus shell for example represents the phi ratio. When played simultaneously, these chimes produce an “angelic” spiraling effect. which triggers states of deep meditation and altered consciousness when used in a “sacred space”.

The ratio was originally created by Jonathan Goldman. The notes used are: D = 288 Hz (Pythagorean D, approx. 5.7 Hz lower than standard musical D) and A# = 468 Hz (approx. 1.8 Hz higher than standard A#)

When using sound as a healing tool, the intention of the user is extremely important. Play the D chime followed by the A# chime. With one in each hand, hold them approx. 20cm from each ear until they finish resonating. Then repeat, swapping the chimes over. This activates the neural pathways in the brain and balances both hemispheres.

Price $80 plus postage



Solfeggio 528 Hz Chimes

The third Solfeggio frequency of 528 Hz, known as MI the tone of transformation and miracles, derives from the phrase “MI-ra gestorum” in Latin meaning “miracle.” This is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA – the genetic blueprint upon which life is based! These original sound frequencies were apparently used in Ancient Gregorian Chants that church authorities say were lost centuries ago. These powerful frequencies were rediscovered by Dr Joseph Puleo as described in the book “Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse” by Dr Leonard Horowitz.

Price $40 plus postage


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